Everyone involved in the lives of youth, from teachers to the superintendent and everyone in between, knows the importance of learning first aid. It’s not a question of “if” you’ll need the knowledge; it’s “when.” Mental Health First Aid is often overlooked when it comes to First Aid training but is no less essential for educators to know, especially given our current youth mental health crisis. In fact, odds are you’ll be working with a child with mental health needs more than you’ll be bandaging scraped knees. That’s where the power of youth mental health first aid courses comes into play.

Mental Health First Aid is a Collective Need

The need for mental health services continues to grow each year. These problems are everyone’s concern, and so we have a collective responsibility to come together to address them. YMHFA and MHFA programs are a good first step in this process. As teachers, counselors, and educators, you are on the front line working with children and adolescents each and every day. You are in a potential position to notice and address mental health needs before a child is in crisis. And every child that gets the help they need before a crisis occurs is a beautiful thing for our community. 

YMHFA is a way to teach adults who interact with youth how to help them handle mental health issues. It also helps caregivers and educators identify when it’s time to connect a young person to someone that can assist further in both crisis and non-crisis situations. “We know one-on-one therapy won’t be possible for every kid who’s struggling, so we need a multipronged approach to help build the capacity of teachers and staff to support kids in the classroom setting,” said Melissa Pearrow, Ph.D., a professor of counseling and school psychology at the University of Massachusetts Boston in a 2022 article for the American Psychological Association.

A study from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 1 in 6 children aged two to eight years old in the United States has a diagnosed mental, behavioral or developmental disorder. The study further found that ADHD, anxiety, and depression diagnoses become more common with age. In Florida, the mental health crisis for children is truly critical, with an estimated 181,000 children living with serious mental illness, according to the National Alliance of Mental Illness, Greater Orlando. Further complicating these issues, Florida ranks nearly last in per capita spending on mental health. Unfortunately, the state isn’t doing enough to combat a growing need for mental health resources, especially in schools. As educators and mental health professionals, it is up to us to help our children in need.

Teaching Youth Mental Health First Aid Courses

Anyone working with youth or schools knows that finding a qualified and professional mental health first aid program is essential. Telement offers quality Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) training for teachers, school staff, coaches, camp counselors, youth group leaders, parents, and adults who regularly work with youth. Every Telement-led YMHFA class is taught by a trained and experienced mental health professional. We offer individual classes or corporate classes, take the time to help educators with real-world examples and valuable youth mental health resources, and provide certifications for every YMHFA-trained educator.

Youth Mental Health First Aid done right will teach you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health and substance abuse among children and adolescents. The curriculum is comprehensive and gives learners the tools required to help a child in crisis (as well as before a crisis). After obtaining a YMHFA certification from a trained mental health professional, youth workers will be better equipped to see the common symptoms of mental health challenges in youth, including anxiety, depression, eating disorders, ADHD, and substance abuse. The course also helps educators determine the best way to interact with a child in crisis and how to connect them with the help they need.

Our goal at Telement is to partner with schools and nonprofits to provide real and effective mental health support to school-aged children. Our team of licensed school psychologists, clinical social workers, and mental health clinicians provide the quality training that adults working with youths are looking for. Our YMHFA program is important for Florida youth-focused nonprofits and schools to combat this mental health crisis from a boots-on-the-ground perspective. Connect with us at TelementTherapy.com for more information on our Youth Mental Health First Aid classes led by real-world mental health professionals working with children every day.

telement therapy mental health telehealth florida schools

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